Saturday, September 20, 2008

No. 1

The original purpose of this blog was going to be a place for posting photos of things I see while riding my bike. And then I got Penny.

My new school year's resolution is to stop saying "I wish I had my camera out!" when I am coasting along, and to start saying "Say cheese!" to the people and things I see.

Here is the first in what I hope will be an infinite number of such photos...

Monday, September 8, 2008

So Cute!

This is the cutest thing I have seen in a long time! Jaden, I miss you so much! I remember when you only knew a couple words :0)

Jaden the Cutie

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hey Nate

Guess what? I thought of another good time we had with Joey. I really miss him a lot.

So, it was New Year's Eve, maybe the third year of college. We were down in LA (remember, we used to spend every New Year's in college there...I would fly into LAX from Hartford. Sometimes we went to see the Rose Parade floats late at night with Spencer. Ah, the days...)

Anyway, this particular year, we told Joey we would spend the holiday with him, and we got invited to a party at your friend from high school's house. It was some big house in some swanky part of LA (and I can't even remember his name...)

We brought Joey along and he brought sake along, and we drank plenty of it. As the night wore on, everybody decided going in the hot tub was a great idea. No one had swimsuits, but fortunately, most of the guests were male, like the host...except for me! But the host had a bratty older sister (who had been sulking around all evening, as I recall) and she loaned me a swimsuit.

Not just any ordinary swimsuit! It was a totally hot Burberry one-piece (I never wear one-pieces, so it was especially novel). It fit so well! Everyone agreed (even Joey, hehehe, which reminds me of the Big Basin hike that ended in a know EXACTLY what I am talking about!) that I looked like at LEAST a 9 in it! I kept whispering to you that I wanted to steal it, as in run right out the front door, wearing nothing but the Burberry swimsuit I was stealing, and never look back. And you kept ENCOURAGING me!

But, honest gal that I am, all I did was go in the hot tub in it. Joey and I had both had plenty to drink, and at a certain point in all this hottubbing, we made some very important eye contact with each other. He said "You wanna do it?" And I nodded yes. Then he shouted "CANNONBALL!" and we both leaped up, jumped out of the hot tub, and cannonballed into the pool. It was (obviously) the middle of winter (albeit in LA) and we had a frisky, brisk moment in the pool together. Me, Joey, and the Burberry one-piece.

And, here is that photo of him dressed as Jesus on Halloween. You can see the enormous crucifix, too.