Sunday, August 31, 2008

Another Brick in the [Facebook] Wall

At a party recently, I realized that I am the only person in America, no, let's revise that, the only person in the world, never to have typed "" onto an Internet browser page. Nate has been needling me to do this for ages. Pam has jumped on the peer pressure bandwagon, and so have a few other so-called "friends," too. I had my reasons for holding out. However, this morning, I not only typed said URL address, I also made a Facebook page of my very own.

How do I feel?

Like a non-profit worker who has gone to the corporate world.
Like John Glenn, landing on the moon.
Like an indie band, finally getting signed to a big label.
Like a normal human being, whose friends will no longer mock her uncoolness in public on purpose. You know who you are.

Now that I have finally given in to the whole Facebook craze, (I guess the "craze" is totally it is just par for the course...way for me to be late) I guess I should also get around to listening to New Kids on the Block, playing Pogs, drinking Crystal Pepsi, and creating a Neopet, too.

I'd better get to it.

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