Sunday, August 3, 2008

Take it

to the top of the key!

(Some things are definitely taking up space in our brains.)

Or to the top of 22nd street, as Penny and I did in our epic walk last week. We saw the following lovely vistas from atop Potrero Hill...

Penny and I were on an expedition to check out these sweet condos under construction in Dogpatch ( I didn't put that as a link not because Jessica's instructions about making links weren't excellent (whoa, multiple negatives in that phrase) but so no one will click on it and buy all the condos before I can afford them. *Sigh* it is going to be awhile. Patience is a virtue. And Nate just finished the bar.


Anyway, Penny and I had a LOT of girl time while Nate was taking said three-day exam, and she was totally tuckered out by the time we took her to Santa Cruz yesterday morning to her casa-away-from-casa while we travel, my parents' house.

We took her to Santa Cruz a day early just to make sure nothing goes wrong. My mom was very reassuring when we dropped her off, but I am really going to miss her...

One last note: this gave me major cognitive dissonance yesterday.

Ok, well, everything's gonna be rockin' when we hit Japan! *Giggle*

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